The State
The State, or Governor’s designee, is responsible for the planning and implementation of WIOA.See Also: Governor's Designee
Third-Party Agent
A person, firm, corporation, other association or entity which posts job orders on behalf of another person, firm, corporation, other association or entity.
Trade Act of 1974 (summary), as amended
The act establishes the Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers (TAA), Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA), and Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) programs. These programs, collectively referred to as the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA Program), provide assistance to workers who have been adversely affected by foreign trade.
Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
The TAA Program as established by the Trade Act of 1974 seeks to provide workers adversely affected by foreign trade with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to (re)build skills for future jobs. Any member of a worker group certified by the Department may be eligible to receive TAA benefits and services at a local American Job Center. Services may include training, employment and case management services, job search allowances, relocation allowances, and income support in the form of Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA). Reemployment TAA (RTAA) and Alternative TAA (ATAA), which provide wage supplements for reemployed older workers whose reemployment resulted in lower wages than those earned in their trade-affected employment, may also be Page 40available.
Trade Readjustment Allowance
Income support available in the form of weekly cash payments to trade certified workers who are enrolled in a Trade Adjustment Assistance approved full-time training program and have exhausted their unemployment insurance benefits.
Training Services
Services which include the following:
- Occupational skills training, including training for nontraditional employment;
- On-the-Job Training;
- Incumbent Worker Training;
- Programs that combine workplace training with related instructions, which may include cooperative education programs;
- Training programs operated by the private, public and non-profit sectors;
- Skill upgrading and retraining;
- Entrepreneurial Training;
- Transitional jobs;
- Job readiness training;
- Adult education and literacy activities, including activities of English language acquisition and integrated education and training programs, provided concurrently or in combination with services described above; and
- Customized training.
Transitioning Service Member
A service member, in active duty status (including separation leave), who participates in employment services and is within 24 months of retirement or 12 months of separation.
Twenty-Eight E Agreement
A contract formed in accordance with Chapter 28E, Code of Iowa (1983), allowing units of local government to join together with other units of government or public or private agencies for the purpose of jointly exercising a power held individually by the units of government and to cooperate in other ways of mutual advantage.