Occupational Cluster
A group of jobs/occupations that are related in subject matter, content or technical concepts involved.
Occupational Information Network
An online reference database which contains standardized detailed descriptions of U.S. occupations, distinguishing characteristics, classification codes, and information on tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities, and work activities as well as information on interests, work styles, and work values.
Occupational Skills
The actual tasks and technical functions required by certain occupational fields at entry, intermediate or advanced levels, as well as the use of set-up procedures, safety measures, work- related terminology, record keeping and paperwork formats, tools, equipment and materials, and breakdown and clean-up routines.
Any adult or juvenile who is or has been subject to any stage of the criminal justice process for whom services under a WIOA program may be beneficial, or who requires assistance in overcoming artificial barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction.
Older Individual
A person who is 55 years of age, or older.
One-Stop Operator
The One-Stop Operator must be a public, private, nonprofit entity or a consortium of entities a Local Workforce Development Area. A consortium must include at least three or more of the required one-stop partners. Entities selected and serving as one-stop operators are sub-recipients of a Federal award; therefore, they must follow the Uniform Guidance. The types of entities that may serve as one-stop operators include but are not limited to:
- A public, private, for-profit or nonprofit organization
- An institution of higher education
- Non-traditional public secondary schools, night schools, adult education schools, career and technical education schools
- An employment service state agency established under the Wagner-Peyser Act
- A government agency
- A Local Workforce Development Board, with approval from the Chief Lead Elected Official (CLEO) and the Governor
- Local chambers of commerce, business organizations, or labor organizations
- Indian Tribes
One-Stop Partner
An entity described in section 121(b)(1) or (b)(2) of WIOA that participates in the operation of the local workforce delivery system. One-stop partners administer separately funded programs as a set of integrated streamlined services to customers.
An active effort to make individuals and businesses aware of WIOA, training opportunities and one-stop center services by contacts with instructors, students and employers.
A requirement of any recipient of federal and state funds to ensure that such funds comply with all applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, policies and terms and conditions of any applicable awards or sub-awards.