Economic Development Agency
Includes a local planning or zoning commission or board, a community development agency, or another local agency or institution responsible for regulating, promoting, or assisting in local economic development.
Education Status at Time of Participation
A WIOA reporting item that is used for determining whether a youth is 'in-school' or 'out-of-school.'
Educational Functioning Level Gain
One of the five types of measurable skills gains allowable under WIOA. An educational functioning level gain is the advancement of an educational level by making measurable improvement in educational attainment.
Eligible Migrant Worker
A low-income individual or a dependent of the individual who meets the definition of a migrant farmworker who has been primarily employed in agricultural or fish farming labor that is characterized by chronic unemployment or underemployment; and faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency.
Eligible Seasonal Farm Worker
A seasonal farm worker is an individual who is employed or was employed in the past 12 months in farm work of a seasonal or other temporary nature and is not required to be absent overnight from his/her permanent place of residence. An eligible seasonal farm worker is a low-income individual who meets the definition of a seasonal farmworker or a dependent of the individual who is a seasonal farmworker and faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency.
Eligible Spouse
A spouse to any of the following:
- Veteran who died of a service-connected disability.
- Member of the Armed Forces serving on active duty who, at the time of application for the priority, is listed in one or more of the following categories and has been so listed for a total of more than 90 days:
- Missing in action
- Captured in the line of duty by a hostile force
- Forcibly detained or interned in the line of duty by a foreign government or power
- Veteran who has a total disability resulting from a service-connected disability, as evaluated by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Veteran who died while a disability was in existence.
Eligible Training Provider
Entities that provide a program of training services and must be one of the following types:
- Institutions of higher education that provide a program which leads to a recognized post-secondary credential.
- Registered Apprenticeship programs will be included and maintained on the ETPL for as long as the program remains registered under the National Apprenticeship Act.
- Other public or private providers of training, which may include:
- Community Based Organizations (CBOs) or private organizations of demonstrated effectiveness that provide training under contract with the Local Board.
- Joint labor-management organizations.
- Eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities under Title II of WIOA, if such activities are provided in combination with occupational skills training.
Emancipated Youth
An individual 16 years of age or older who has been found through the juvenile court system to be legally responsible for their own care. Emancipated youth are no longer considered to be under the care and control of a parent or guardian.
A person who is engaged to perform work for an employer. Some of the factors relevant to the determination of employee status include:
- The hiring party’s right to control the manner and means by which the work is accomplished;
- The skill required to perform the work;
- The source of the instrumentalities and tools for accomplishing the work;
- The location of the work;
- The hiring party’s discretion over when and how long to work; and
- Whether the work is part of the regular business of the hiring party.
Other applicable factors may be considered and no one factor is dispositive.
A person, firm, corporation, or other association or organization which currently has a location within the United States to which U.S. workers may be referred for employment, and which proposes to employ a worker at a place within the United States and which has an employer relationship with respect to employees as indicated by the fact that it hires, pays, fires, supervises, and otherwise controls the work of such employees. An association of employers is considered an employer if it has all of the indicia of an employer set forth in this definition. Such an association, however, is considered as a joint employer with the employer member if either shares in exercising one or more of the definitional indicia.
An individual in a paid, unsubsidized job, or for an individual in WIOA Title I, II, or III, working 15 hours or more a week in an unpaid job on a farm or business operated by a family member or the individual. An individual enrolled in the WIOA Title IV VR program must be employed in a job that meets the definition of competitive integrated employment, or supported employment, in competitive integrated employment that is individualized and customized, consistent with the unique strengths, abilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual, and includes ongoing support services for individuals with the most significant disabilities.
Employed at the Date of Participation
An individual employed at the date of participation is one who did any work at all as a paid employee on the date participation occurs.
Employment-Related Laws
Those laws that relate to the employment relationship, such as those enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or by other Federal, State, or local agencies.
Employment Service Delivery System
A service delivery system at which or through which labor exchange services, including employment, training, and placement services, are offered in accordance with the Wagner-Peyser Act.
English Language Acquisition Program
A program of instruction designed to help eligible individuals who are English language learners achieve competence in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension of the English language; and that leads to:
- Attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; and
- Transition to postsecondary education and training; or
- Employment.
English Language Learner
An eligible individual who has limited ability in reading, writing, speaking, or comprehending the English language, and whose native language is a language other than English or who lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language.
Enrolled Student
An individual who has officially registered with in an educational or training institution and is taking part or planning to take part in an educational or training program.
An individual who has received staff-assisted services and has satisfied all applicable programmatic requirements including eligibility determination. For youth, this includes youth program eligibility determination, an objective assessment, development of an individual service strategy and has received at least one of the fourteen (14) WIOA Youth program elements.
A method used to assess effectiveness and to promote, establish, implement and use strategies for continuous improvement of the workforce delivery system in a Local Workforce Development Area.
Evergreen Jobs
Job orders constantly open because the positions are hard to fill, are in high demand, require very specific skills, have high levels of turnover, and/or represent multiple job openings.
Exclusions from Performance Measures
An individual in any one of the following categories may be excluded from performance measures: Institutionalized; Health/Medical or Family Care; Deceased; Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty; Determination of ineligibility, Relocated to a Mandated program; or Invalid or Missing Social Security Number.
For the purpose of performance calculations for WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs and WIOA Title III Wagner-Peyser Employment Services, exit occurs when an individual has not received a participant level service for 90 days and has no additional participant level services scheduled.
Exit Quarter
The calendar quarter in which a WIOA participant's date of exit falls.