Career and Technical Education
Organized educational activities offering a sequence of courses that:
- Provide individuals with coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in current or emerging professions;
- Provide technical skill proficiency, an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or an associate degree;
- Include competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship, of an individual.
- May include prerequisite courses, other than a remedial course, that meet the above requirements.
Career Pathway
A combination of rigorous and high-quality education, training, and other services that:
- Align with the skill needs of industries in the economy of the State or regional economy involved.
- Prepare an individual to be successful in any of a full range of secondary or postsecondary education options, including Registered Apprenticeships.
- Includes counseling to support an individual in achieving the individual’s education and career goals.
- Includes, as appropriate, education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster.
- Organizes education, training, and other services to meet the particular needs of an individual in a manner that accelerates the educational and career advancement of the individual to the extent practicable.
- Enables an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and at least one recognized postsecondary credential.
- Helps an individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or occupational cluster.
Career Pathway Goal
A long-term occupational goal which leads to the attainment of job specific skills related to a position, job title, or occupational cluster and includes the skill needs of industries in the economy and in-demand occupations.
Career Planning
A client-centered approach in the delivery of services, designed to prepare and coordinate comprehensive employment plans, such as service strategies, for individuals to ensure access to necessary workforce investment activities and supportive services, using, where feasible, computer-based technologies, and to provide job, education, and career counseling, as appropriate during program participation and after job placement.
Case Notes
The narrative documentation of an individual’s WIOA activities and interactions with career planners and partner agencies used to summarize and track the individual’s progress toward their stated goals.
Chief Elected Official
The chief elected executive officer of a unit of general local government within a Local Workforce Development Area, which is the county board of supervisors chair, or a designated member of the board of supervisors.
Chief Lead Elected Official
Is the individual selected by the participating chief elected officials who may act on behalf of the other chief elected officials in a given Local Workforce Development Area. The CLEO shall be the State Workforce Development Board’s primary point of contact for disseminating information among Chief Elected Officials within a Local Workforce Development Area. The CLEO shall also have such additional administrative responsibilities as designated by the Local Workforce Development Board and State Workforce Development Board. A Chief Local Elected Official is a Chief Lead Elected Official in the State of Iowa.
Child In Need of Assistance
A child, under the age of 18 and unmarried:
- Whose parent, guardian, or other custodian has abandoned or deserted the child.
- Whose parent, guardian, custodian, or other member of the household in which the child resides has physically abused or neglected the child, or is imminently likely to abuse or neglect the child.
- Who has suffered or is imminently likely to suffer harmful effects as a result of any of the following:
- Mental injury caused by the acts of the child's parent, guardian, or custodian.
- The failure of the child's parent, guardian, custodian, or other member of the household in which the child resides to exercise a reasonable degree of care in supervising the child.
- The child’s parent, guardian, or custodian, or person responsible for the care of the child has knowingly disseminated or exhibited obscene material to the child.
- Who has been, or is imminently likely to be, sexually abused by the child’s parent, guardian, custodian, or other member of the household in which the child resides.
- Who is in need of medical treatment to cure, alleviate, or prevent serious physical injury or illness and whose parent, guardian, or custodian is unwilling or unable to provide such treatment.
- Who is in need of treatment to cure or alleviate serious mental illness or disorder, or emotional damage as evidenced by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or untoward aggressive behavior toward self or others and whose parent, guardian, or custodian is unwilling to provide such treatment.
- Whose parent, guardian, or custodian fails to exercise a minimal degree of care in supplying the child with adequate food, clothing, or shelter and refuses other means made available to provide such essentials.
- Who has committed a delinquent act as a result of pressure, guidance, or approval from a parent, guardian, custodian, or other member of the household in which the child resides.
- Who has been the subject of or a party to sexual activities for hire or who poses for live display or for photographic or other means of pictorial reproduction or display which is designed to appeal to the prurient interest and is patently offensive; and taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, scientific, political, or artistic value.
- Who is without a parent, guardian, or other custodian.
- Whose parent, guardian, or other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of the child’s care and custody.
- Who for good cause desires to have the child’s parents relieved of the child’s care and custody.
- Who is in need of treatment to cure or alleviate chemical dependency and whose parent, guardian, or custodian is unwilling or unable to provide such treatment.
- Whose parent’s or guardian’s mental capacity or condition, imprisonment, or drug or alcohol abuse results in the child not receiving adequate care.
- In whose body there is an illegal drug present, as determined in accordance with a medically relevant test, as a direct and foreseeable consequence of the acts or omissions of the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian.
- Whose parent, guardian, custodian, or other adult member of the household in which a child resides does any of the following in the presence of the child: unlawfully uses, possesses, manufactures, cultivates, or distributes a dangerous substance; or knowingly allows such use, possession, manufacture, cultivation, or distribution by another person; possesses a product with the intent to use the product as a precursor or an intermediary to a dangerous substance; or unlawfully uses, possesses, manufactures, cultivates, or distributes a dangerous substance in a child’s home, on the premises, or in a motor vehicle located on the premises.
Citizenship Training
Acquiring an understanding of the American system of Government, individual freedom, and the responsibilities of citizenship.
Clearance Order
A job order that is processed through the clearance system under the Agricultural Recruitment System (ARS).
Clearance System
The orderly movement of U.S. job seekers as they are referred through the employment placement process by an American Job Center. This includes joint action of local offices in different labor market areas and/or states.
Co-Enrolled Individual
An individual who participates in more than one program, including non-WIOA funded programs or partner programs.
Common Exit
Occurs when an individual, enrolled in multiple partner programs, has not received services from any DOL-administered program in which the individual is enrolled, to which the common exit policy applies, for at least 90 days, and no future services are planned.
Community-Based Organization
A private, nonprofit organization, which may include a faith-based organization, that is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community and has demonstrated expertise and effectiveness in the field of workforce investment.
Competitive Integrated Employment
Work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis, including self-employment:
- Work that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis, including self-employment:
- For which an individual is compensated at a rate that complies with the following:
- Shall be not less than the higher of the rate specified Federal, State, or local rate; and
- Is not less than the customary rate paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by other employees who are not individuals with disabilities, and who are similarly situated in similar occupations by the same employer and who have similar training, experience, and skills; or
- In the case of an individual who is self-employed, yields an income that is comparable to the income received by other individuals who are not individuals with disabilities, and who are self-employed in similar occupations or on similar tasks and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and
- Is eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees.
- That is performed at a location where the employee interacts with other persons who are not individuals with disabilities (not including supervisory personnel or individuals who are providing services to such employee) to the same extent that individuals who are not individuals with disabilities and who are in comparable positions interact with other persons.
- That, as appropriate, presents opportunities for advancement that are similar to those for other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who have similar positions.
The individual, employer, organization, association, or other entity filing a complaint.
A representation made or referred to a state or an American Job Center of an alleged violation of the:
- A representation made or referred to a state or an American Job Center of an alleged violation of the:
- Employment Services regulations and/or other Federal laws enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as other Federal, State, or local agencies enforcing employment-related law, or
- Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA.
Comprehensive Assessment
Assessments of the skill levels and service needs of adults and dislocated workers, which may include diagnostic testing and the use of other assessment tools and in-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals.
Conflict of Interest
A term used to describe the situation in which a public official or fiduciary who, contrary to the obligation and absolute duty to act for the benefit of the public or a designated individual, exploits the relationship for personal benefit, typically pecuniary.
The process by which State and/or local stakeholders convene to discuss changes to the public workforce system and constitutes a robust conversation in which all parties are given an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions.
A legal instrument by which a non-Federal entity purchases property or services needed to carry out the project or program under a Federal award. The term as used in this part does not include a legal instrument, even if the non-Federal entity considers it a contract, when the substance of the transaction meets the definition of a Federal award or subaward.
An entity that receives a legal instrument (i.e., a contract) by which a non-federal entity purchases property or services needed to carry out a project or program under a federal award.
Contract Service Provider
An entity other than a vendor engaged to provide goods, services or both under a contract with a subrecipient, or other provider of services pursuant to an executed contract.
Core Program
Programs authorized by WIOA to provide services at American Job Centers, which include:
- Title I: Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth
- Title II: Adult Education and Literacy
- Title III: Wagner-Peyser
- Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation
Corrective Action Plan
A plan developed by an entity who has been monitored, which includes applicable supporting documentation, regarding any unresolved findings. A corrective action plan identifies the action steps that the entity has or will initiate to correct the problem, estimated date the problem will be resolved, and how the Local Workforce Development Board will be involved in addressing the issues.
Court-Adjudicated Youth
An unmarried individual under the age of 18 years of age who has been declared by a court to be a child in need of assistance, including foster children.
Covered Persons
A veteran or eligible spouse.
Credential - Non-Qualifying
A non-qualifying credential is any diploma or certificate that does not meet the letter or the intent of the federal definition of qualifying credential.
Credential - Qualifying
A qualifying credential is one that provides an individual with the documentation of education and/or technical or occupational skills necessary to gain employment or advance within an occupation.
Cultural Barrier
When an individual perceives him or herself as possessing attitudes, beliefs, customs or practices that influence a way of thinking, acting or working that may serve as a hindrance to employment.