Policy Chapters and Sections

Reinstatement on the Statewide List

Chapter: 7 Section: 8
Effective Date: 11/15/2019
Expiration Date: Continuing
Published Date: 12/2/2019 2:25:28 PM
Status: Current
Version: 1

Tags: Training Provider Reinstatement, Training Program Reinstatement

Training Provider Reinstatement

Because it is possible for a training provider to improve upon its overall performance and otherwise rectify any other conditions of their denial or revocation as an Eligible Training Provider, a provider may re-apply for eligibility two (2) years after the official removal date.

To be reinstated, the training provider must:

  • comply with the requirements for initial eligibility; and
  • demonstrate it has corrected all performance and other deficiencies which resulted in its removal from the ETPL.

Training Program Reinstatement

A provider whose training program is removed from the statewide list can re-apply for program eligibility no sooner than two (2) years from the date of the denial of program eligibility. A provider may re-apply for initial eligibility of the training program when it can demonstrate its program quality with at least one (1) year of performance information.

To have a training program reinstated, the training provider must:

  • re-apply for program eligibility subject to the policies and procedures for initial eligibility; and
  • meet the minimum performance standards, if applicable, along with any other eligibility criteria in place at the time of re-application.

Accessibility Statement
Terms & Conditions
Iowa Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For deaf and hard of hearing, use Relay 711.