The Iowa State Workforce Development Board (SWDB) is responsible for providing leadership through Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) and the one-stop delivery system. This includes the review of statewide policies and programs, recommendations on actions that must be taken by the State to align workforce development programs to support a comprehensive and streamlined workforce development system.
As the Governor’s designated agency for the Title I Workforce Development Activities, Title III Wagner-Peyser Employment Services and the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program, IWD implements policy developed in consultation with, and approved by, the SWDB.
IWD’s mission is to power Iowa’s possibilities by connecting workers to opportunities and employers to workforce solutions. The agency creates, enables, and sustains the most future ready workforce in the nation.
Within this ePolicy site are policies, procedures, related documents, and resources to support the SWDB and IWD in the implementation and provision of services and activities. Refer to the User Guide for step-by-step instructions, archived webinars, and instructional materials on using the ePolicy site. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to provide feedback, please email